About your Health Coach BarbaraI love food AND I like to be healthy. Yes, the two go together! I'm also extremely adventurous when it comes to trying new foods, although there are some limits ofcourse. I was born and raised in multicultural Amsterdam, the Netherlands. However, the food that I was brought up with as a child was pretty plain and old fashioned, yet 'healthy' and honest at the same time: basically we ate potatoes every day, either boiled or fried, one or two seasonal veg and a piece of meat. And a lot of bread ofcourse.
I started to travel the world when I was young and I used to think I had discovered most of the food. But after having lived in Asia for three years I realised I knew only a tiny bit, and I think I will need a lifetime or two to discover everything else on food. Over the years I was introduced to many new healthy and sometimes unhealthy but delicious foods. I have always believed in the connection between food and health. I have cured myself and some of my loved ones from a number of health issues just by eating certain foods, or omitting them. Later I found out there is actually a word for it. I had practiced 'functional nutrition' already without even knowing the existence of it. But often I found the information on nutrition out there really confusing. One day eggs are healthy, the next day they aren't. One day wholewheat bread is healthy, the next day you'd better not eat it because it makes you fat and OMG, those gluten! After having children I wanted to know the truth about food more than ever, so I could feed them as healthy as possible. This is where my formal education journey started. While studying many people asked me if I could give them some advice. I noticed that people are really hungry for reliable information on food and health. I'm at a stage now that I'm able to share what I know now so that I can improve other people's health. So here I am, offering my services and knowledge to you! Together we can work towards a healthier, more energetic and ultimately a happier you. Will you work with me?I currently work with people of different nationalities who struggle with keeping themselves and their families healthy and energetic and would like to achieve this by using easy and time saving methods.
Learn more about my training and my unique approach to health coaching. Are you curious about how health coaching can help you? Let’s talk. Schedule an initial consultation with me today. Learn more about my approach to health coaching by contacting me at [email protected]. Alternatively, read about the services I offer. |